Sometimes Divecrew competitors just hate what we do. We change direction, they eventually counter our move. Well, just when they think they have our measure… Stand by… Divecrew are about to add three gears ahead and change direction by epic proportion.
Having attended the Scuba University for a three day course, much of what was said just made complete sense. Added to this Divecrew have been approached by two different agencies/parties to add an even wider portfolio to the current services. Boy, is the business going to take off. Some of these strategic business developments just cannot be replicated. We would like to thank those parties for the direct approach. Divecrew were approached directly which is an incredible accolade to the Team of Divecrew. The professional team makes it all happen. You do not build the business. The business is built through your team.
In the next two to three months, you will see Divecrew go through a massive transformation. Both strategically and in physical presence. Look out for major changes in merchandising and store layout. Look out for new incredible diving and training opportunities. If you are a professional best keep a weather eye on our Facebook and website. Divecrew is ready for launch. Good luck to all our competitors.
Divecrew is the leader of the pack. We are about to put a lot of distance between Divecrew and the pack.
Innovative. Creative. Quality. Professional. Safe and we Deliver.
Join us.